




Milho no Brasil

A produção de grãos no Brasil já é responsável por mais de 50% do agronegócio nacional. É, portanto, essencial na economia. O milho é a segunda cultura mais importante na produção agrícola brasileira, atrás apenas da soja.

Adelia Lei

Leticia Pizzo

11 months ago

6 min read

Corn in Brazil

Grain production in Brazil is now responsible for more than 50% of national agribusiness. It’s therefore essential in the economy. Corn is the second most important crop in agricultural production in Brazil, behind soybeans.

Adelia Lei

Leticia Pizzo

11 months ago

5 min read

What is the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism?

  • Importers of carbon-intensive materials to the EU will pay for emissions.
  • The EU will assess the materials’ carbon content.
  • Importers will need to buy sufficient CBAM certificates.

Alessandro Vitelli

11 months ago

3 min read

The World of Starch-Based Sugars – Sweeteners & Polyols

Starch is composed of chains of glucose molecules. Some of these chains are straight (amylose), which make up 20–30% of the starch molecule, and some are branched (amylopectin), which make up 70%–80% of the starch molecule.

Tabasoom Watak

12 months ago

6 min read

What is Corporate Finance?

Corporate finance is a field of finance that deals with the financial decisions made by corporations and the various methods used to fund the company’s operations, investments, and growth opportunities. It involves analysing the financial performance of the company, identifying potential investment opportunities, determining the best ways to raise capital, and managing the risks associated with financial decisions.

Sara Warden

1 year ago

12 min read

The Sugar Futures Contracts

Welcome to the third and final instalment of Czapp’s course on the futures markets.

In this final part of this series, we will look into the futures contracts used to trade sugar globally.

Jay Kindred

1 year ago

5 min read

How Futures Markets Are Used

Welcome to the second instalment of Czapp’s course on the futures markets.

In the first episode we looked at what futures markets are and what goes into a futures contract. In this second episode we look into how futures markets are used to facilitate global trade and how they can be used as an instrument to speculate on commodity prices.

Jay Kindred

1 year ago

5 min read

What is a Futures Market?

Welcome to the first instalment of Czapp’s course on the futures market.

In this episode we will look at what futures markets are and what constitutes a futures contract.

Jay Kindred

1 year ago

5 min read

How to Protect Against Orange Juice Price Volatility

The price of frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) has risen to new highs in the past month but the commodity has always experienced volatility. We take a look at the factors that influence supply and demand and provide methods to manage price risk that stems from this volatility.

Adelia Lei

Juanita Pachon Rojas

1 year ago

3 min read

Native and Modified Starches

Starch is a naturally occurring carbohydrate composed of long chains of glucose molecules. These chains can be linear (Amylose) or branched (Amylopectin). Starch is typically composed of 20-30% amylose and 70-80% amylopectin.

Tabasoom Watak

1 year ago

2 min read