




How to Protect Against Orange Juice Price Volatility

The price of frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) has risen to new highs in the past month but the commodity has always experienced volatility. We take a look at the factors that influence supply and demand and provide methods to manage price risk that stems from this volatility.

Adelia Lei

Juanita Pachon Rojas

1 year ago

3 min read

Como se proteger contra a volatilidade do preço do suco de laranja

O preço do suco de laranja concentrado congelado (FCOJ) atingiu novos máximos no mês passado, mas a commodity sempre experimentou volatilidade. Analisamos os fatores que influenciam a oferta e a procura e fornecemos métodos para gerir o risco de preço que decorre desta volatilidade.

Adelia Lei

Juanita Pachon Rojas

1 year ago

3 min

Native and Modified Starches

Starch is a naturally occurring carbohydrate composed of long chains of glucose molecules. These chains can be linear (Amylose) or branched (Amylopectin). Starch is typically composed of 20-30% amylose and 70-80% amylopectin.

Tabasoom Watak

1 year ago

2 min read

How Shipping Risk Affects Rates

At noon on February 20 every year, shipowners, operators and charterers renew their P&I Club coverage. This is a critical requirement for the shipping sector to ensure they are insured against adverse events such as spills, collisions and seafarer injuries. But what can the P&I Club tell us about the main risk factors in shipping today?

Sara Warden

1 year ago

3 min read

The Basics of Wheat Part 2

  • The fundamentals of the global wheat markets.
  • Where they are and how they function.
  • How they facilitate the physical wheat trade.

Jolyon Hobby

1 year ago

4 min read


Welcome to the sixth and final part of Czapp’s course on freight.

Now for something a bit different. Up to this point we’ve focussed primarily on the drybulk market. But many of the concepts also apply to the container market too.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read

Costs and Price Risk Management

Welcome to the fifth part of Czapp’s course on freight.

In the first episode we looked at the different ways that cargo can be moved through supply chains around the world. In the second, we looked at the different participants in the drybulk freight market. In the third we looked at the ships themselves. In the fourth we looked at the contracts needed to move goods.

Now, we will look at how everyone in the supply chain can control their costs and manage any price risk.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

5 min read

Contratos de Granel Seco

Bem-vindo à quarta parte do curso da Czapp sobre fretes.

No primeiro episódio, analisamos as diferentes maneiras pelas quais a carga pode ser transportada pelas cadeias de suprimentos em todo o mundo.

Na segunda, analisamos os diferentes participantes do mercado de frete de granéis secos.

No terceiro, examinamos os próprios navios.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

6 min read

Freight Drybulk Vessels, Cargoes and Routes

Welcome to the third part of Czapp’s course on freight.

In the first episode we looked at the different ways that cargo can be moved through supply chains around the world. In the second, we looked at the different participants in the drybulk freight market.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read

Dry Bulk Contracts

Welcome to the fourth part of Czapp’s course on freight.

We will look at the paperwork involved in the drybulk freight market. “Looking at paperwork” sounds deeply unpleasant, but we’ll try to avoid putting the ‘dry’ into ‘drybulk’.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

6 min read

Frete Embarcações, Cargas e Rotas de Granéis Secos

Bem-vindo à terceira parte do curso da Czapp sobre fretes.

No primeiro episódio, analisamos as diferentes maneiras pelas quais a carga pode ser transportada pelas cadeias de suprimentos em todo o mundo. Na segunda, analisamos os diferentes participantes do mercado de frete de granéis secos.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read