

  • 中国的配额外原糖进口利润已连续3个月为负。
  • 随着疫情封控的放松,需求增加,利润正在升高。
  • 为了获得更高的利润,中国炼糖厂可能会延缓原糖需求直至2022年晚些时候。


进口利润走低主要是由于国内糖市供大于求、人民币贬值、以及疫情封控等原因导致的需求疲软。受解封和政府刺激国内消费等措施的影响,近期的利润已从5月16日的 -127美元/吨的低点回升至撰文时的 -80美元/吨左右。




Rosa Li

How Will the Fuel of the Future Bill Impact Brazil’s Energy Industry?

Brazil should soon approve the Fuel of the Future bill. It was created to encourage the production and use of sustainable fuels. Among the proposals are goals for an increase in the mixture of ethanol in gasoline and targets for the use of biomethane and SAF.

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Why SAF is the Best Tool to Reduce Net Carbon Emissions

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is the only realistic route for net carbon emissions to be reduced for air travel. However, the challenge for producers is now to upgrade the energy content of SAF feedstocks so they can compete with traditional alternatives.

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