加工糖集中供应压力 | China Weekly 24th June 2019

  • 我们认为郑糖价格可能面对来自加工糖集中供应和放储传闻的压力。 

市场热点 & 观点   



郑糖 & 纽约原糖价格   


  • 据中国海关海关总署, 5月食糖进口量为38万吨,1-5月累计进口量共93万吨。 
  • 我们认为5月进口中有10万吨为巴基斯坦白糖,且该部分白糖已经被市场消化。 
  • 我们认为还有8万吨巴糖于6月到港,后续还将有近12万吨巴糖陆续到港。 
  • 6月中旬起大部分加工糖厂已经开机,加工糖即将供应市场。 
  • 我们认为第三季度的加工糖供应压力可能最大。 


Rosa Li

How Will the Fuel of the Future Bill Impact Brazil’s Energy Industry?

Brazil should soon approve the Fuel of the Future bill. It was created to encourage the production and use of sustainable fuels. Among the proposals are goals for an increase in the mixture of ethanol in gasoline and targets for the use of biomethane and SAF.

Ana Zancaner

3天 前

5 min

Why SAF is the Best Tool to Reduce Net Carbon Emissions

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is the only realistic route for net carbon emissions to be reduced for air travel. However, the challenge for producers is now to upgrade the energy content of SAF feedstocks so they can compete with traditional alternatives.

John Buxton

3天 前

2 min