280 words / 1.5 min reading time

  • Production figures for the 1H of Mar where published today;
  • Although they officially count as 2019/20, the mills in operation are actually starting the 2020/21 season;
  • 32 mills in operations and no disruptions were reported by millers due to coronavirus, therefore schedule remains on track for the moment

1H of March Data

  • Earlier today, UNICA disclosed CS production data of 1H of March.
  • Crush was slightly higher than initial estimates due to drier weather in the period, with almost 3mmt processed
  • In the 1H of March, CS registered 32 mills in operation – slightly higher than last year.
  • For the next fortnight, estimates point to 68 mills in operation.
  • According to UNICA, 12 mills delayed the start and will begin the season only in 1H April – not due to coronavirus.
  • No disruptions were reported by millers due to coronavirus, and schedule remains on track for the moment.
  • Mills are taking all the recommended precautions for the safety of its employees.
  • Furthermore, mills fall under the category of essential services and therefore are not subjected to quarantine measures imposed in several regions.
  • We reckon that there is the risk of unions asking for paralysation, but judges have been overruling these requests – as seen with meat and grains plants.

Ethanol Market   

  • Hydrous sales have seen another fall during the 1H of Mar.
  • Fuel demand reduction combined with a price parity at the gas stations of over 70% contributed for sales to fall under 700mi litres.
  • The upcoming fortnights should show an even bigger fall in demand due to quarantine measures imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ana Zancaner

Ana graduated from Insper University Sao Paulo in 2013, with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She joined CZ as an intern in 2013 and is now our senior analyst in our Sao Paulo office. At CZ she is responsible mainly for analysis of the Brazilian sugar and ethanol sector but supporting other consulting requests as well.

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