Insight Focus
- PTA and MEG futures see marginal gains, upside constrained by high inventories.
- Polyester and bottle-grade resin demand improves on gradual recovery.
- PET resin export prices remain stable on tighter near-term availability.
PTA Futures and Forward Curve
- PTA futures floated up marginally last week following upstream costs, further gains were constrained by ample supply availability.
- Inventories continue to grow as plants maintain high operating rates. Hengli Huizhou’s new 2.5 MMt/yr PTA plant is expected to come on-stream end of Feb/early Mar, adding to supply.
- However, with PTA margins now below traditional breakeven levels production cuts are expected; many PTA plants will also undergo turnarounds in Q2.
- Downstream, polyester demand is gradually improving, with a post-COVID recovery beginning to get underway.
- PTA forward curve remains flat, with the May’23 contract at the same level as the current month’s contract.

MEG Futures and Forward Curve
- MEG Futures also made gains, although similarly to PTA inventory accumulation continues to dampen trading sentiment, limiting upside potential.
- East China main port inventories increased a further 4.9% last week to 1.093 MMt, with port inventories approaching maximum capacity.
- Further production cuts at existing Chinese MEG producers are expected, with Chinese coal-based producers entering turnaround season in March.
- A series of Middle East shutdowns is also expected to see lower imports over the coming month.
- Fundamentals may see support from a steady improvement in demand through March and April, as downstream, recovery gains pace and polyester operating rates rise.
- The MEG futures forward curve remains in contango, the May’23 contract now at a RMB 96/tonne premium to the current month’s contract.

PET Resin Export – Raw Material Spread and Forward Curve
- Chinese PET resin export prices have remained flat and stable through the past couple of weeks, and averaged USD 965/tonne last Friday, the same as the previous week.
- The weekly average PET resin physical differential to feedstock costs declined breaking the upward trend, averaging around USD 64/tonne, down USD 13/tonne on the week. By Friday, the daily spread was USD 67/tonne.
- The PET resin raw material forward curve remained flat over the past week. At Friday’s close, the May’23 contract showing just a USD 5/tonne premium over the current month’s contract.

Concluding Thoughts
- Whilst the physical differential to raw material futures remains sluggish, there are signs that demand both domestically and for export is improving.
- Most major producers claim to be sold out for March but are still keen to look at April sales and beyond.
- Tighter near-term availability for prompt shipment is likely to support improved margins into March.
- However, upside to any forward premium for PET resin export prices is expected to come under pressure once the new capacities come on-stream in early Q2.
- Sanfame is expected to add its first 750kta PET resin line by early April, with the second 750kta line due early July 2023.
- Although further significant capacity additions are also anticipated through the rest of 2023, Chinese production is expected to remain profitable and competitive within the global market.
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