Nicko Debenham

Nicko brings more than 36 years of experience working on cocoa and other raw material value chains. He started his career in cocoa in Nigeria in the 1980’s, working directly with cocoa farmers. Nicko possesses unique expertise in developing and introducing pioneering traceable and sustainable systems in collaboration with governments in origin countries in Africa, Asia and LATAM. Nicko established Sustainability Solutions in 2021 to support companies and institutions with developing and operationalising their sustainability strategy.

Price Chaos Continues in Cocoa Market

The cocoa market has tripled in the past 7 months and has now hit all-time highs. This has followed a drop in production in West Africa, caused by disease, high tree age and low fertiliser application. Yet many farmers are still not seeing the benefits of high prices.

Nicko Debenham

2 weeks ago

5 min read