市场概述: 库存消化仍需时间

  • 我们认为2019/20榨季全球产需缺口或为460万吨。
  • 但是牛市还言之过早;全球食糖库存仍接近历史峰值。
  • 这意味着2020年国际糖市很可能跟今年一样供过于求。
  • 又因为目的地库存较高,消费者不急于买糖,2019年的需求持续疲软。
  • 目前看来需要更多时间(或恶劣天气)才能进一步消化库存。


How Will the Fuel of the Future Bill Impact Brazil’s Energy Industry?

Brazil should soon approve the Fuel of the Future bill. It was created to encourage the production and use of sustainable fuels. Among the proposals are goals for an increase in the mixture of ethanol in gasoline and targets for the use of biomethane and SAF.

Ana Zancaner

4天 前

5 min

Why SAF is the Best Tool to Reduce Net Carbon Emissions

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is the only realistic route for net carbon emissions to be reduced for air travel. However, the challenge for producers is now to upgrade the energy content of SAF feedstocks so they can compete with traditional alternatives.

John Buxton

4天 前

2 min

SAF Supply and Demand Dynamics

  • There are a few well-established production pathways for SAF.
  • However, these come with their own benefits and disadvantages.
  • More pathways are being approved but scale is proving to be a challenge.
Adelia Lei

John Buxton

4周 前

2 min