




Frete Marítimo de Granéis Secos – Quem é Quem

Bem-vindo à segunda parte do curso da Czapp sobre fretes.

No primeiro episódio, analisamos as diferentes maneiras pelas quais a carga pode ser transportada pelas cadeias de suprimentos em todo o mundo. Agora, examinaremos o mercado de frete de granéis secos com mais detalhes.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read

Drybulk Ocean Freight – Who’s Who

Welcome to the second instalment of Czapp’s course on freight.

In the first episode we looked at the different ways that cargo can be moved through supply chains around the world. Now we will examine the drybulk freight market in more detail.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read

Tipos de Frete

Bem-vindo ao curso de frete da Czapp. Esperamos que ajude você a entender como as mercadorias circulam pelo mundo.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

4 min read

Types of Freight

Welcome to Czapp’s course on freight. We hope it helps you understand how goods move around the world.

The course is split into 6 articles, with a special focus on ocean freight and less emphasis on road, rail or air freight.

Stephen Geldart

1 year ago

3 min read

The Basics of Wheat Part 1

  • Understanding the basics of wheat.
  • What different types are grown around the world?
  • Who are the major producers and users?

Jolyon Hobby

1 year ago

3 min read

Global PET Resin Capacity and Projects

Since entering commercial production back in the 1980s, PET bottle-grade resin has rapidly grown to become the dominant packaging for beverages. The move away from traditional glass bottles was driven by a need to reduce both transportation and production costs, whilst improving the durability and safety of packaging. Improvements in production and compounding technologies over this time also enabled for a rapid expansion in PET resin usage across the food and beverage space.

Gareth Lamb

1 year ago

3 min read

What are Carbon Offset Standards?

  • Offset standards set out procedures for preparing carbon reduction projects.
  • They also set down methodologies to measure carbon reduction.
  • Standards apply to the entire life cycle of a project.

Alessandro Vitelli

1 year ago

2 min read

What is the life cycle of a carbon offset?

Carbon offsets are the ‘visible’ outcome of an investment project that replaces existing fossil-fuel or carbon-intensive processes with clean, low- or zero-carbon alternatives, or which absorb CO2 from the atmosphere.

Alessandro Vitelli

1 year ago

2 min read

EU Forestry Biomass

Bioenergy is a source of renewable energy that is produced when biomass fuel is burned. Biomass fuels are made from municipal waste, agricultural and forest residues. Forest biomass, which includes all parts of the tree such as the trunk, branches, leaves, and roots, is the most used biomass feedstock.

Tabasoom Watak

1 year ago

5 min read

Biomass – The Future of Renewable Energy

Biomass is a fuel derived from organic material such as agricultural and plant residues (e.g., wheat straw, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse), wood and forestry residues (e.g., woodchips, sawdust, wood pellets), and municipal waste.

Tabasoom Watak

1 year ago

6 min read

What are carbon compliance markets and how do they work?

Carbon compliance markets are legally binding systems that seek to drive emissions down by putting a price on emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The most common compliance market is known as “cap-and-trade”, in which the regulator sets a limit on the total amount of CO2 that can be emitted by covered entities – factories, power plants, energy distributors, etc.

Alessandro Vitelli

2 years ago

2 min read