




Sugar Production Overview

Sugar comes from two crops: sugar cane (which accounts for 80% of total sugar production) and sugar beet (which accounts for the remaining 20%). Both crops produce sucrose and there is is no chemical difference between the end product, although beets only make high quality white sugar whereas cane can make a range of sugars from low-grade raws all the way to high quality whites. Cane and beet are grown in different climates across the globe.

Adelia Lei

Stephanie Rodriguez

2 years ago

6 min read

What are carbon offsets and what are they used for?

Carbon offsets represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions made through investments in clean technology and practices, ranging from building wind turbines to replace fossil fuel power to protecting and planting forests.

Alessandro Vitelli

2 years ago

1 min read

Raw Sugar & White Sugar

  • Raw sugar is not fit for human consumption.
  • It requires further processing at a refinery to become food grade.
  • White sugar is a food-grade product which requires more careful handling.

Stephen Geldart

2 years ago

2 min read

How Does a Re-Export Sugar Refinery Work?

  • Re-export refiners are important swing producers in the sugar market. 
  • Freight and energy costs are key factors affecting their profitability. 
  • · In this explainer we explain how they work.  

Stephen Geldart

2 years ago

1 min read

Physical Differentials

  • Sugar and other commodity prices are often quoted as physical values. 
  • This enables clearer price risk management.  
  • In this explainer we demystify differentials.  

Stephen Geldart

2 years ago

1 min read

Como é calculado o Preço do kg de ATR pelo Consecana?

  • O Consecana é a associação que tem como objetivo garantir o bom relacionamento entre os produtores de cana de açúcar e as usinas.
  • A associação é responsável pela precificação da cana com base em seus custos de produção e nos preços dos produtos finais praticados no mercado.
  • Neste explicativo, compartilhamos com você a metodologia do Consecana para calcular o preço da cana de açúcar.
Adelia Lei

Catarina Junqueira

2 years ago

5 min read

Why We Should Care About Corn

  • Global grains shortages are not merely critical for food security. 
  • Corn also has uses in fuel, textiles, cosmetics and even pharmaceuticals. 
  • With supply tightening, will there be enough to go around?  

Sara Warden

2 years ago

6 min read

Europe’s First Plastic Packaging Tax

  • The UK’s Plastic Packaging Tax is set to become Europe’s first plastic tax in effect.  
  • It’ll come into force in April 2022 but packaging with more than 30% recycled content is exempt. 
  • It aims to prompt a switch from virgin to recycled plastic and create value recognition in waste plastic.  

Gareth Lamb

2 years ago

4 min read

Lo que hay que saber sobre las proteínas alternativas

El aumento del interés por el veganismo está impulsando un incremento significativo del mercado de proteínas alternativas, remodelando el panorama del consumo tradicional de carne. Explorar el concepto de proteína alternativa y su potencial para revolucionar la industria cárnica revela una narrativa convincente de las cambiantes preferencias dietéticas y la dinámica del mercado.

Sara Warden

2 years ago

3 min

Principais Coisas para Saber Sobre Proteínas Alternativas

O aumento do interesse pelo veganismo está alimentando o aumento significativo no mercado de proteínas alternativas, remodelando o panorama do consumo tradicional de carne. Explorar o conceito de proteína alternativa e o seu potencial para revolucionar a indústria da carne revela uma narrativa convincente de mudança nas preferências alimentares e na dinâmica do mercado.

Sara Warden

2 years ago

3 min

Key Things to Know About Alternative Protein

The surge in interest towards veganism is fueling a significant rise in the alternative protein market, reshaping the landscape of traditional meat consumption. Exploring the concept of alternative protein and its potential to revolutionize the meat industry unveils a compelling narrative of changing dietary preferences and market dynamics.

Sara Warden

2 years ago

2 min read